Opening Prayer at Saint John Bosco on Sunday..........God of power and mercy, only with your help can we offer you fitting service and praise. May we live the faith we profess and trust your promise of eternal life.
We should use our time to invest in each other and provide........Connection, Love, Grace & Mercy
Interdependence vs. Independence
I am loving my new role as an "Admission's Nurse"
With much TEAMWORK between the Team Leader, Nurses, Translators, Doctors, Photographer & Lab we are able to admit the patients in a timely, smooth process.
Part of my "investment" is learning some French!
I have mastered a few sentences to help make the patients and family more comfortable during the admission process.
Welcome to Mercy Ships........Bienvenue Mercy Ships!
How are you? .........Comment ca va?
I am fine thank you........Ca va bien. Merci
My name is.......Je m'applle..Kathy
Nice to meet you.......Enchante
Good Bye....Au devoir
Sabine from the Congo and Donna from Canada Sandra from Scotland and Venturny from the Congo |
It is so awesome to work with the local Congolese and Nurses and Doctors from All Around the
Our Great Team Leader.......Greta from the U.S. |
Reche.....He makes me smile everyday!!! |
More of our GREAT Team!!
Durelle, Venturny, Franc & Reche!!
“The more you are called to speak for (and share) God’s love, the more you will need to deepen the knowledge of that love in your own heart. The farther the outward journey takes you, the deeper the inward journey must be. Only when your roots are deep can your fruits be abundant” ---Henri Nouwen
I am "deepening the knowledge of God's love" everyday that I am here as I witness.........
smiles on the patient and families faces and crew, teamwork, worship, hugs, and a strong sense of community between crew and the Congolese Community and each other!
Plan B for a Saturday Afternoon.....Initial plan was to walk into town and eat lunch and go to the big craft market...........As we set out to was raining :(........seeing as we walk most everywhere we go.....we had to resort to Plan B..........AHHHH......forced to sit and relax......plopped on the couch with a cup of coffee......surrounded by my books, laptop.....and looking out the window overlooking the ocean and ships! ............Ahhhh, Life is Good on a Saturday in the Congo!!!
These are some views from the deck!
Around 5:00 the port is full of fishing boats loaded with fish and crab.
See the TugBoat......It is amazing to watch it guide the big ship into dock!
Many of these big ships come and parallel park right behind us
Later in the evening...........FUN at the Fall Festival!!
Games.......Food........Craft Vendors.......and Even a Pie Eating Contest!
Our Lovely Medical Doctor from Australia!
I have Pondered the Question that Jesus asked his disciples.........."Who do they say that I am?".............That is a question for me as well........I ponder my faith and have a strong desire to learn more about Jesus and I also ask "Who am I in these whole scheme of a world"????
I learn that when I read and study the Bible it...
Illuminates my mind
Warms my heart
Feeds my soul
& Changes my Life
(Nicky Gumbel, 30 days)
Today I received a card from my sister that helped put "life/me" into perspective.........It says " You're on the Journey of a Lifetime......a Journey that no one else can travel and no one else can judge - a path of happiness and hurt, where the challenges are great and the rewards are even greater......
And then, from "Jesus Calling; Enjoying Peace in His Presence" (thanks Jolene, this book has been so helpful)
"I am working My ways in you; the divine Artist creating loveliness within your being. My main work is to clear out debris and clutter, making room for My Spirit to take full possession. Collaborate with Me in this effort by being willing to let go of anything I choose to take away. I know what you need, and I have promised to provide all of that abundantly!!
And one more voice from God...."Journey to the Heart" (Melody Beattie)
Nov. 7th.......You are being guided, You are being led!
Trust, Let go. Stay as peaceful as you can. Stay right here in the present moment.
Sharpen your tools ---- your intuition, your inner voice, your consciousness, and your awareness.......Then let the journey unfold. Trust that you are being guided and led!!!
Heather and Helena from Canada making cookies and biscotti in the galley.
Solvieg from Norway (My roommate)
We are in the back of the taxi on our way to dinner
Going away party for Heather
Fun in the Village
Saying Goodbyes is really hard!!
Above....Christina from the UK
Below......Michelle from Canada
In Jesus Calling...."Instead of grasping and controlling, you are learning to release and receive"......This has truly been a learning lesson.....Enjoy the friends at the moment and recognize that they will not always be there....release and receive new ones!!
Chore List.......Thanks Betsy!! :)
Morning Devotions......Reche is very talented!!!
LIFE in Africa
Anything to be sold will be sold in the markets!
Goodbye to my Roommate Heather from Canada!
We will miss you!!!!
Birthday party for Rianne from Holland
I love the Congo MUSIC!!!
Life in Africa......It is really growing on me!
I prayed for God to put some "old gals" in my life and I got these wonderful ladies!!! Scotland, Holland and Canada
Unfortunately they are all leaving soon.....Please pray for some more :)
Life in Africa
Squatty Potty outside of our Admission Tent
POISSON and Legumes!.......Very Yummy, but you have to watch out for the fish bones!
Lunch with Kate (Australia) to say GoodBye :(
Gals from Australia, UK, Canada, New Zealand
Dinner at the Indian Restaurant......Tamara from Holland and Helena from Canada
I eat my dinner on the top deck every night and watch the beautiful sunsets!!
DONATED BLOOD FOR OUR PATIENTS......It will be cool to know who gets my blood!!
Life in Africa......Many paintings to choose from!
Morning Therapy!!
We butter bread to give to the patients at lunchtime that are waiting to be admitted.
I know......Lovely hair, eh???
You may not always know exactly where you are headed, but if you follow the desires of your heart, the integrity of your conscience, and the wisdom of your soul...then each step you take will lead you to discover more of who you really are, and it will be a step in the right direction on the journey of a lifetime.
Famous African Prayer
O Great Chief, light a candle within my heart that I may see what is there and sweep the rubbish from your dwelling place.
Au Demain.......Until Tomorrow
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