Ahhhh...........St John Bosco Church......Mass in English! We have to walk a mile and then take a taxi to get there......but soooo worth it!!
Oh Lord, I am so thankful to be here. I am so thankful to be surrounded by so many kind and loving people. I am so thankful to live among so many diverse people and personalities which has taught me to love one another and not to have big expectations of each other. We each are just getting through the day to the best of our abilities and through the grace of God!! Oh Lord, I thank you for the unconditional love and hope that you give me! I thank you for teaching me to live “today” and not fret about tomorrow. Being immersed in the African culture has taught me that! Many have no idea what tomorrow will bring.....so, they are thankful for the food, for family and for health that they have today!
Oh Lord, thank you for the wisdom that I read today..........
“Sometimes I lead you up a mountain with only My hand to support you. The higher you climb, the more spectacular the view becomes; also, the more keenly you sense your separation from the world with its problems. This frees you to experience exuberantly the joyous reality of My Presence. Give yourself fully to these Glory-moments, awash in dazzling light! I will eventually lead you down the mountain, back into community with others. Let My Light continue to shine within you as you walk among people again”.
Oh Lord, thank you so much for that wisdom. You know my fears, and know that I am uncertain of what lies ahead for me......Thank you for taking me to the mountain and helping me climb it! Thank you for showing me your beauty! I believe this time on Mercy Ships is my time on the mountain, my time to see your glory and grow in faith....In time....perhaps the end of this outreach...you will guide me back down and I will feel strong enough to go back home!
Oh Lord, for today......I trust in you and take one day at a time!
I love you Lord!!! :)
Please pray for all of the patients aboard the African Mercy!
Pray for healing..........Pray for wisdom for the surgeons and medical team.......Pray for bridging the communication barriers......Pray for patients to be free of complications and infections......Pray for all of the "Mommas" who have stayed with their babies for many weeks......Pray for God to continue to walk with each of us and guide us as we serve on this awesome vessel!!
The surgeons recently completed the Plastic Surgeries for now and our Orthopedic Surgeons have arrived. Below are a few of the cuties that we will be treating!
Many of the kids that had plastic surgeries are still healing. Once they are stable and free of infection they go to the Hope Center! They are then transported every other day to the ship for dressing changes and wound care.
This picture gives a little view of our "scenery"
This handsome young man has been on the ward for a long time......thank God for the "one hour" of sunshine he gets a day and can still smile and have fun the rest of the time!!
Another cutie that I cannot put down!!
This gal has been through so much in life.....yet look at that awesome smile!!!!
Julie plays the Bongo's and sings for us every night that I work!!
This little guy is on my hip most of my shift!!
Hope Center
At each location, Mercy Ships renovates a building to be used for patients once they are stable and discharged from the hospital, yet still need follow up care. This is a beautiful place! Mosquito nets over every bed.
These are a few of our awesome Chaplains that provide support for the patients. Every day they come to the Ward and sing, dance and pray and get everyone smiling, clapping and laughing! These Congolese surely know how to sing, dance and pray!!!
Eye Team
The Eye Team has been very busy..........This week they began cataract surgeries..........
So many have not been able to see for years......and now, with this simple surgery.....THEY CAN SEE!!!
My new favorite part of the day is to go to the tent around 2:00 and watch the eye team remove the eye patches!............They are so happy........lots of hugging and loving going on!!
My New Home..........Admissions!
I am now working in the Admissions Tent. The original plan was to start at the end of November.....change of plans....as one of the nurses was unable to come to Mercy Ships.....thus, I started a little earlier. I will miss working in the ward, yet have to admit, this 'old" gal was getting pretty tired having a kiddo on my hip all day! Now I can have the best of both world's......I get to be the first one to see the patients, get their paperwork done and draw blood.......then I can stop by the wards at night and play with them!!
Another perk is Monday - Friday........no weekends and no night shift!!!
Our lovely "Day Worker" offered to arrange for a driver and show us around the country. We had a great, adventurous day. I am learning that any time I go off the ship......It is an ADVENTURE!!
At first we thought the plan was not going to turn out......After walking the mile to get out of the port......we waited for an hour or more and our "ride" did not show up.......We have learned that "Africa Time" is a little different, thus chose to stand around and chat some more and not to panic.......Next thing you know.....here comes our ride.....a minivan for 7.......and we have 10!
It was a tight fit.......But we had FUN! These drivers know how to make a 4 wheel drive SUV out of a Minivan! We have learned to hold on tight! We traveled through the city and out into the country listening to an eclectic list of music......from Neil Diamond......Gospel.......to Congo Rap!! In addition, we got the luxury accommodations.......Cinnamon air freshener sprayed into the air conditioning vents!.....We had quite the aroma going on :)
Sights along our Journey!!
Views from the window as we are driving through town
Pictures are out of order.......Yet all part of one Fun-Filled Day!!!
Fun at the Ocean!!!

Best Buy of the Congo!
I even saw that they delivered!

Street Markets like this are everywhere! This was at the Angola/Congo Border
Large Petrol Company
This fish was amazing.......They added all kinds of spices and onions, wrapped it in the big leaves and cooked in the hot charcoal.
We traveled down many long hilly dirt roads.........Scattered areas of villages......All very well kept and clean
We stopped at this village.....before we got out.....we had to have permission from the "Chief" to let us get out and look around and go down to the river. We found out that the proper thing to do is to give the Chief a gift for allowing us to enter his village.......We shared our lunch with him and gave him a can of Pistachios. Next time we will be more prepared!
Beautiful Clean River that the village bordered
Below was Mama peeling and soaking the Cassava
Views from the River
Of course, I had to pick up the cute little girl!!
We've learned to pack our lunches and bring lots of water with us anytime we go for an "Adventure"
My backseat view of the Journey to the villages. This is when our driver thought the minivan was a 4 wheel drive SUV
You can all come and visit me and stay at the Malonda Lodge!! It was beautiful!
Very cool to see this plane land in the water, circle around and take off again.
Now comes the hard part............Saying Good-Byes!!
The six of us all came together and formed immediate friendships.......now we sadly had to say
Good-Bye to our two "Heather's from Canada" :(
Life is Good on Mercy Ships in the Congo!!!!
Good Night........Lala Bote (Kituba).......Bonne Nuit (French)
Sights along our Journey!!
Views from the window as we are driving through town
Fun at the Ocean!!!
Best Buy of the Congo!
I even saw that they delivered!
Street Markets like this are everywhere! This was at the Angola/Congo Border
Large Petrol Company
This fish was amazing.......They added all kinds of spices and onions, wrapped it in the big leaves and cooked in the hot charcoal.
Views from the window as we were driving into the country.........Very Beautiful!
We traveled down many long hilly dirt roads.........Scattered areas of villages......All very well kept and clean
We stopped at this village.....before we got out.....we had to have permission from the "Chief" to let us get out and look around and go down to the river. We found out that the proper thing to do is to give the Chief a gift for allowing us to enter his village.......We shared our lunch with him and gave him a can of Pistachios. Next time we will be more prepared!
Beautiful Clean River that the village bordered
Below was Mama peeling and soaking the Cassava
Views from the River
Of course, I had to pick up the cute little girl!!
We've learned to pack our lunches and bring lots of water with us anytime we go for an "Adventure"
My backseat view of the Journey to the villages. This is when our driver thought the minivan was a 4 wheel drive SUV
You can all come and visit me and stay at the Malonda Lodge!! It was beautiful!
Very cool to see this plane land in the water, circle around and take off again.
Now comes the hard part............Saying Good-Byes!!
The six of us all came together and formed immediate friendships.......now we sadly had to say
Good-Bye to our two "Heather's from Canada" :(
Life is Good on Mercy Ships in the Congo!!!!
Good Night........Lala Bote (Kituba).......Bonne Nuit (French)
thanks for sharing Kathy....God Bless you each and every day.