Friday, March 14, 2014

Continuing on the Journey!!!

Just me and my random thoughts......"Always Thinkings"  :)

As I live 24/7 on the ship with 400+ people I am blessed to observe so many different personalities form people all over the world. It is amazing that we all get along. I believe it is because many have chosen to set their eyes on God and believe that there is something or someone higher in life than just us. With this and with prayer comes patience, kindness, grace, mercy and forgiveness at the core of our thoughts. When differences or discontent arise we stop and reflect, pray and recognize that we are all “together” on this life journey. We are all part of one body, no one better than the other.......all different, yet the same in one body.

I often think.....”If i only knew then what I know now, my life would be so different"........Yet I’ve recognize that all of Life is a Learning Process, whether we want to learn or not. Enrolled in the school of “life” I’ve learned  that we are all at difference places on this learning curve. My son made this clear as he shared that it took me 50 years to see what I see I should   allow him the time and life experiences to get him to a similar place. Unfortunately, I want to share the wisdom, but recognize that we often need to learn it on our own. I also recognized this to be true in the ‘“Christian World” as well. Just because one says they are a Christian, does not give me the right to assume that “life” has taught them all the same lessons as me. We are each on our own spiritual journey learning as we go along. Some with more or less faith, some with years of teaching, all with different life experiences.

Of great value to me this past week were words from Melody Beattie.....
author of “Journey to the Heart”

Value your past and all the lessons you have learned.
How easy it is to diminish the importance of our past and look on our history with a critical eye. We see the mistakes, we see what we think we should have known, we see what we could have done better. What we forget is that the reason we are able to see so clearly is because of the past and because of what we have learned. Often, it is the very experiences we regret that have created this clear vision. 
Value what you have learned in your past. Each lesson has led to the next. Every person and event in each part of your life has been invaluable in shaping and forming you - in creating the person you are today. Each part of your past, each person who has come into your life and shared experiences with you has helped you to open your heart more to life, love, God, others, and yourself. Even those experiences you think of as wrong, or mistakes, have been an important and necessary part in creating you. Sometimes, those experiences formed the most important part of you because they created in you compassion and understanding for others. Your past taught you to love - others and yourself. It has helped you become a channel for Divine love and a force for good in this world.
When you look back at your past, look tenderly and gently at all you have been through. Look with the eyes of the soul. See that each experience was necessary to bring you home to your heart.

I’ve healed and grown so much since being here. 
I move forward with curiosity,  strength, courage, and adventure! 

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” 

John 16:33

Random Pictures of "MY" Journey......................

 I am not even done with this part of my journey and now looking ahead to another adventure........Awe! The BEAUTY of Greece....(as shared by Sarah).....Definitely added to my "Bucket List"

Just Can't Get Enough of the Love!!! 
I know I have said this many times....but will say again.....God has blessed our surgeons with amazing skills. Miracles are being performed everyday.......the nurses get to love on these wonderful patients and their families!!

Below is a story about these amazing ladies as written by my friend Charissa!! (Thank-You Charissa!)

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her story. Pregnant at a young age, she was unable to get the baby out when it came time for its delivery.  Ten days later, it was discovered that the baby was stillborn and a day later the infant was pried out by a local surgeon, and she was left alone to bury her own beloved child whom she so longed to meet. As a result of  prolonged labor this woman developed a vesicovaginal fistula (VVF),or a small hole from the vagina to the bladder resulting from the unborn child being pressed tightly against the pelvis, cutting off blood flow to the vesicovaginal wall. The formation of this kind of fistula results in a continual leaking of urine.  Although her defect may not be obvious initially, many would soon discover that there was something "different" about this woman by the putrid stench coming from her wet clothes. 

This woman's story was just one of the many that I heard this past Monday. Around seventy people had gathered to the ward to celebrate God's goodness in the lives of eight beautiful women.  Each woman was given a new dress, jewelry and their makeup was done by the chaplaincy team onboard to prepare each one for this moment. It was a special day. You see, each of these women had suffered from VVF and had come to the ship in hopes that they would receive treatment for their ailment. Today, these thirteen were heading home- restored, healed, dry, sweet-smelling and full of JOY! 

 One at a time, each one came to the front of the crowded room and shared their stories. Some had tears rolling down their face as they described the pain of burying their own child or being rejected by their husbands and families. Others shared of traveling from doctor to doctor in hopes that "this one" would be able to fix their problem. Many shared how they were unable to keep jobs because of the shame associated with their foul odor. But, as the surgeon who operated on these ladies so proudly proclaimed "these women are African's broken houses and God is restoring these broken houses."

Yes, God had truly healed the broken hearts and bodies of these women. He alone had bestowed on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. These women are no longer the same women that they were when they walked up the gangway of the Africa Mercy. No, these women will leave this place with their heads held high and hearts full of gratitude, hope and joy. These women who were once considered dirty, disgusting outcasts by many, will now finally be truly seen by many for the beautiful and valued individuals that really are! 

As the dancing continued at the end of the celebration, and the drums continued beating, I found myself praising the God is one who is able to make ALL things new.  He alone is able to mend broken souls, give hope to the hopeless, make new creations, resurrect that which is dead,  make beauty from ashes. And these women are living and breathing testimonies of the beauty of His grace. 

Good Bye Party for my Roommate Solvieg......Someday I hope to visit you in Norway!!!!

One of my favorite things to do...........TEACH!

Every month is a new topic......Malaria, Safe Drinking Water, HIV, First Aid, etc.....
Our goal is to teach the local day crew so that they can go into the community and repeat the teachings!

Just thought I would slip this in.........HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY, Martha!!

WOW!! Two Beautiful Ladies!!!
These 2 sweet ladies are so special.........Bianca and Bernadette :)

We shared a wonderful Congolese Dinner at Bernadette's Mother's Restaurant......
YUM!! The Best Congolese Food!!!
I never thought I would eat a whole fish........But now I hate when I get to the last bite!!

Fresh Fish and Chicken grilled in a variety of ways with different seasonings, along with  variety of scrumptious side dishes!..........If only there was more room in my Belly!!!!!

Thank You Ladies for a Wonderful Meal!!!!

For those Nurses in America........Do you think our feet "attire" would pass JCAHO standards!!
Oh how I love "Ship Life"!!!!

Our GREAT admission team at the present time........Whoops.....Changing again as we say Good-Bye to Veronica from France.......The lovely lady in the middle!!!

Amazing Day at the Beach - Volunteering for the Amazing Race

Teams of 3 raced around Pointe Noire completing various tasks such as shoe shining, buying fish at the market, cooking the fish and many other fun activities. 
Anne Clair and our "little helper" were in charge of the "canoe race" Each team had to row out to a designated area and come back.

After watching all the fun the teams were having, Anne Clair and I jumped in as well......I will admit that we had some help of the "Keeper of the canoe".......By the time we went out the waves were pretty rough......So, Mr. Canoe Man agreed to take us as long as we held his beer while he paddled! 
I can now say that I paddled in Africa!!!

Catch of the Day!

Another Goodbye...:(.............Anne Clair you will be missed!!!
I hope to see you in FRANCE!!!!!

I can't get enough of these Seniors!!!
Below.......Maren,  my lovely bunkmate from Germany is always ready to sing and dance!!!

Oh my Goodness.......This was so much fun..........Hence..the men won as you see the "Ladies" on the ground!........Oh my!!! :)

It is the "rainy season"........Flooding is such a problem and causes so many transportation issues. So many of their homes were flooded and they lost so much!

Another Good-Bye :(.............Good-Bye Kacie!!!.......Hope to see you in Texas!

Fishing for a Living!!!

So Awesome to be able to donate blood and then know that it is going to one of our patients!!

For those in the community.........If you need a blood transfusion you need a family member to donate. All the blood is screened at the hospital.
If your family member doesn’t want to donate or can’t donate, there are people sitting outside the hospital gates that you can pay to donate. Some hospitals are more advanced than others in that there is a blood bank on the premise. If you get blood from the blood bank you have to then bring 5 people to them to replenish the blood you took. The idea behind this is that out of the 5, there should be at least 1-2 people whose blood can be used for a transfusion.

YUM!!!! I love this Chicken!!!
Cooked on the rotisserie......then cut into pieces.....covered with onions which caramelize from the heat.....some seasonings, a dap of honey mustard on one side and mayonnaise on the other.....covered in foiled and ready to eat.........We took this back to the ship....dipped our fresh bread and cassava in it.......Oh Yeah!! Life is Good!

OH Yes...........Life is Good!!!!

But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness”   
Galatians 5:22

:(...........Only two months left of this wonderful adventure!

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