Monday, February 17, 2014

Reflections....Home and Back!!

The glory of intimacy with God is like a treasure hunt - God is the treasure and the Glory of his presence glistens and shimmers along the way!

Reflecting on my “Quick Trip” back home............(I question how much of my personal thoughts that I share with all that read my blog, yet recognize that it is our shared stories that help to support and encourage one another as we journey through our lives)

I had no intentions of coming home until the end of the 10 months - yet, when Mark called to say that Ronnie was not doing good, that he was really sick....I felt the need to come home. I got the news on Friday and left on Sunday. Some may say it was just an excuse to come home, perhaps it was, as I felt the tug, yet at the same time, I’ve recognized my family...all with their own thoughts and ways...are MY family and they cannot be replaced. I’ve had so many losses this past year and it is very painful - thus, I recognize that I do not want to loose my family. We all demonstrated the bond when Mom was dying, we all came together, we were respectful, made decisions together and all were there for Mom! I’ve learned and continue to learn not to judge, or show judgement. I admit that our views and ways of living are often different, yet while we are together, I can still be me, show love and respect, and I can go home when views are too conflicting. 
I am so proud of Ronnie! He has taught us all the value of courage. He shows us how to live one day at a time and to always focus on the positive, even when told he will need dialysis 3x/week. I know he will make friends with all the dialysis staff and make the best out of this “rearranged” life. It amazes me how much Carol loves to dote on him and make sure he is getting all the right foods and has all his medicines on time. Mark is doing well after his bariatric surgery. He had many tough days and admits to wanting to crawl out of his skin, yet....he persevered (thanks to Chris) and now is starting to reap the benefits of the surgery. Karen and Jack are doing well and have the privilege of taking care of Jack’s Mom as she is nearing the end of her life and also taking care of their first grandchild, Isaac and now very excited for the news of another grand baby....from Angie! 
I have to admit, after watching the unconditional love and perseverance among them, I feel a little guilty for not persevering in my marriage and waiting for it to “work out”. Perhaps I needed to keep my commitment, no matter how difficult it was as we were so different and held such different views of life, yet we mutually made the decision to “let each other go” as painful as it is, we move on and I continue my journey with my life surrendered to God. The Lord blessed me and softened my heart and filled me with a passion to live for Him.
For me, it was great to reconnect with all my friends and truly recognize that I am not alone. Mom has passed away and John is no longer connected to me, so I “thought” that I have no one that is concerned or keeps up with my whereabouts 24/7, yet, I now realize that I am never alone. I feel the presence of God and know that God walks with me and that gives me peace. In addition, I am surrounded by my sons, my family and awesome friends at home, and all around the world. The “welcome home” both at home and when I came back to the ship was overwhelming.......I am not alone!!
It was nice connecting with the boys (young men). I realize that they each have their own “gig” going on as they navigate through their own lives. I recognize how hard it is to be a mother. As Jesus loved us, Mom’s love their children! As Jesus probably banged his head on the wall every time I made a poor choice, I now bang my head on the wall with my own children. Yet, as Jesus, he gave us the wisdom and rule book to follow him and gave us the free will to do as we choose.....I to have to surrender and try to hold back all the sharing of wisdom, of which they may call “preaching”. I will continue to learn and grow in my own journey, yet need to wait until “asked” for the wisdom in their journeys (I  have not perfected this yet, but I am trying!) I love them and recognize that they have to make their own way. Oh Lord, I know that you know the “Big” picture for all of us, you know what lies ahead.....Please Lord help me to let go of my control and anxiety and know that “in all things you work for the good”!!
I am so blessed to have the time at home and now I am very excited to be back on the ship with an open heart and a heavy “load” lifted.  Thank you Lord!!!!


Room at Home 

Versus...........Room on the Ship :)

Mercy Ship's Version of a "Walk-In" Closet

Bathroom for One...........Versus Bathroom for 6!!!!

Awe!!!.............PEACE! My Sanctuary!!

Mercy Ship version of Target!!!

Awe........One of my Sanctuaries on Mercy Ship!

Laundry Room

The only difference........I have to sign up to do my Laundry.....and run the risk of someone taking out my clothes and leaving them all wrinkled if I do not get back in time!!

Awe!!!........My precious nephew Isaac!!!!

I was overwhelmed with all the "Welcome Home's" I got both at home and on the Ship!!!

Awe!..........Back to the Congo!
Life is Good!!
Praise God!!

Thank you Lord for your strength! Your wisdom! Your faithfulness!......Thank you for being my rock and never changing!

Love God above all others......Love one another


  1. Love it Mama! Just remember, you are never alone! You are one of the most loved, caring and generous women in my life! What would we all do without you and your contagious smile and zest for life! Love you!

    1. Awe!! My Canadian are so SWEET!!! Thank you!!!
