Monday, September 23, 2013


FIRST...........Praise GOD for answered prayers for Eric Hoffert!!......My best friends son was in a terrible car accident and sustained a head injury and multiple fractures in his face. He required neurosurgery.......He is now stable and making progress. PRAISE GOD for healing and the strength and courage for his family!!! Please continue to keep Eric and his family in your prayers :)

I thought I would post "ME" first.......just in case you all forgot my CUTE, SMILING FACE!!!!
Check out the painted nails.......compliments of the little girls in "A" Ward :)
Start of Shift Priorities.................We begin our shift with prayer and praise.......receive report from the previous shift....and then.......get our nails painted and hair done!!!

Imagine what the world would be like if we ALL started our day with the intent to LOVE Jesus Loved Others!!

The Mission here on Mercy Ships is “Incarnational Love”........which means 
LIVING OUT THE LOVE!!!........instead of just talking about it!

Smiles of LOVE
Before and After

 We had so much fun with these girls on "A" Ward
Note: Many children that require plastic surgery related to burns. Almost all cook over a fire. As with all children, they like to run around and play......and the danger is falling or tripping into the fire!!
I am amazed at the extent of their burns.......The pain they must have gone through and usually so little treatment at the time. 

My Co-Workers

There is always a card game going on!!
Every Night we got Julie...the bright smiling teenager on the right to start us off with playing the bongo and singing!! I am starting to get the rhythm!!

Babies I took care of this week

 Our Little Guy that came to us in Acute Respiratory Distress with a large tumor in his mouth..........Praise GOD!!!......Smiling once again !!!!!

One of the Secrets of Life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others!  (Lewis Carroll)

Random Thoughts to Living on the Ship (Community Living)

  • Settling groups of people have come in, more people to meet :)
  • Truly a “life learning” so many people, form instant friendships......yet there is constant change going on!........I am starting to believe that this style of life fits very well for least at this time in my life!........Perhaps this is a time of learning.....i’ve always struggled with long term work experiences......I tend to place expectations on work experiences and people and often find discouragement. In this environment, one really cannot have must really learn to live one day at a time and make the most of each moment.....there is no need to get to wrapped up in the day to day frustrations recogizing this is just short term and each is just doing the best they can. It is when you feel trapped in a relationship or a work environement that one feels the need to change the situation so that you can survive for the long term!.......God shares with us “to not worry about tomorrow”.....”to live one day at a time”.........I’ve been trapped in jobs and relationships that I spent all my time frustrated and trying to can “float” from day to day and enjoy the moment!.......If it becomes to complicated, I can move on!!.....
  • End of the 4th week....Exhaustion is the key word this week.......We all hit the ground running very fast....taking very little time for “down time”.....there is always something going on and we don’t want to miss it!.......Now, we are all tired. Imagine a busy “social” day......perhaps you meet your friend for breakfast, then maybe someone for dinner you are exhausted and you lay around the rest of the night......Here, you sit with 5 - 10 people for breakfast......then another group for lunch.....then another group for dinner......and then you play cards with someone else......and then you start the whole process the next learn how to pace “community living”......exercise, meetings, works,
  • Truly a time of learning.....some moments/hours I become so weak and vulnerable......and then, someone comes into my “space” and shares their similar experience......I find out that my feelings are “normal”......When someone else shares the same feelings/fears.....then it seems OK.....easier to overcome the fear
  • Everytime I feel like backing out and going home......I recognized this is my time to learn and grow! If I back out now......I may miss out on some wisdom that I needed to take with me in life!!.........At this point.....I really miss the Metro Parks!!.....Fresh Air and Green Trees!! (Thanks Judy for teasing me with that picture of you and Scot)
Life /Spiritual Thoughts :)
 I love the people of the Congo!!!.......They have so much faith...........They LOVE to sing and worship God!!! 

This is a weekend retreat that was going on......They often pray and fast for hours.....praying for peace throughout the world!.....They have so little, yet GIVE so much!!

 Church in the middle of the Congo

I often struggle with life and people, with pointless living and feeling like I am going in circles, repeating the same drama over and over again. Now I come to realize this has occurred since the beginning of time - the stories in the Bible show/reveal that to us. They show us "Free Will" - they give us a path to travel - yet our free will gives us the option to choose.                 

If your life seems pointless or you feel you are on a treadmill, repeating the same drama's over and over again......Perhaps you missed the boat!........Perhaps you are traveling down the wrong path. ............The stories in the old testament are about God bringing the people out of the wilderness to the promised land. Perhaps those stories are for us to reflect on.....perhaps we are not supposed to be in the wilderness forever.....Perhaps "God brought us out of the wilderness to bring us into LIFE"!!....Perhaps that "restless energy" is God trying to pull you out of the wilderness and into LIFE!! Perhaps our lives are not to be self-centered, but people centered instead. Perhaps we are to bear "Fruit"....engage in life, leave a legacy for this world, help others, love others! Perhaps the drama, the treadmill would stop if we chose the path that God/universe laid out for us!!

For me.......I've jumped off the treadmill......Running, going quickly with energy to the "land of promise" that I can bear much fruit!! I choose to live my life focused on the path that God has laid out for us.....I choose to glorify God.....I choose to serve, I choose to engage...i choose to take care of God's flock!.........I've learned/or am learning to love God, love one another, provide connection, love and encouragement for myself and others...........When I find it difficult......then I do as Jesus showed us....i pray, I ask for help/guidance, Study Scripture and position myself around those that can guide and encourage me and not those that pull me back onto the treadmill!

Mother Tereasa / The Simple Life 
  • Works of love are always works of peace
  • Whenever you share love with others, you will notice the peace that comes to you and to them
  • When there is peace, there is God - that is how God touches our lives and shows His love for us by pouring peace and joy into our hearts.
Lead me from Death to Life
From Falsehood to Truth
Lead me from Despair to Hope
From Fear to Trust
Lead me from Hate to Love
From War to Peace
Let Peace fill our Hearts
Our World, Our Universe


Random Photos from this Week

Jelly Fish ............all around the ship

My new favorite clothing store!!!!!
The "always" smiling girl is my roommate Heather.....yes, we have two Heather's from Canada in our room

 Yummy!!!!..........French Pastries

Look at that AWESOME cast........I put that on Heather!!

There is even a Golf Course in the middle of the Congo!!
 Random boys that appeared from the village when we drove out to the gorge. ....Many have never seen a "white girl" :)

Welcome to the Congo!!!!

Please email me from time to time and fill me in on what you are doing :)

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